Round Dance Tips by Tim Eum —
Turning Away From Partner and Coming Back
In round dancing,
are figures in which you turn away from partner and then usually on
the very next measure you turn back to face. It is as if to
playfully leave the partner only to miss him/her and come back again.
When you come back to your partner be sure to look into his/her eyes
and smile.
AWAY AND TOGETHER – Turn away on first step then do the side and
close. Follow this with a turn to face and then side and close.
The waltz away
begins in Butterfly position (BFLY). Turn away on the first step,
but keep holding the trail hands (man’s right, lady’s left),
which come through between you and your partner. This puts you in a
“Back to Back” position with trail foot free. Finish the “Waltz
Away” by doing a Side and Close on steps two and three in that Back
to Back position.
Waltz Together by
stepping side (remember to do this with trail foot) with a turn to
face partner by taking the joined trail hands and swinging them back
down and through between you and your partner. This causes the man
to turn right-face and the lady left-face to end back in BFLY facing.
Finish the Waltz Together with a Side and Close.
AWAY AND TOGETHER – Make sure in circling away that you turn at
least 180 degrees (i.e. to face RLOD).
“Circle Away and
Together” is defined as a figure in both phase 1 two step and phase
1 waltz by Roundalab. It is nothing more than doing two forward
two-steps or two forward waltzes where the man curves around towards
center of hall and then back to partner and the lady curves around
towards the wall and then back to partner (assuming that you began in
SCP or OP facing line of dance).
One of the most
problems that occurs with “Circle Away and Together” is that
dancers end with a large gap between themselves and their partner. The
most likely reason is that when circling away, one or both
dancers simply did not curve enough. When starting in SCP or OP
facing LOD, you must curve the first forward two-step or waltz around
to face at least RLOD. You then will be able to use the second
forward two-step or waltz to get back to partner. If you do not end
facing RLOD after the first measure, it is very difficult to get back
to partner. This is because you only have six steps to do the full
circle and if you take the fourth step away from partner (the result
of not curving enough on the first three steps) you will only have
two steps left to get back and that is difficult to do comfortably.
AWAY AND TOGETHER – Turn away on first step then step in place
twice. Follow this with a turn to face and step in place twice.
In the two step,
Balance Away and Together is similar to the Waltz Away and Together
except for timing and the fact that you don’t progress as much
because you are stepping in place instead of doing side-closes on the
second and third steps of each figure. Timing for the Balance Away
and Together is very quick: 1&2, 3&4; whereas timing for the
Waltz Away and Together is a leisurely 123; 456.
FACE – First do the Side and Close, then on the third step, side
turn away to a back-to-back position.
Similar to the
Away and
Together figures is Face to Face (and Back to Back), but NOTE – the
turn is done on the LAST step not the first one. It is a common
mistake to turn too early on Face to Face. Do the Side and Close on
the first and second steps and only then, on the third step, do you
turn away to the back-to-back position. You still retain holding
trail hands and you do swing them through between you. Just do so on
the last step not the first.
BACK – First do the Side and Close, then on the third step turn to
face partner.
The same thing
to Back to Back as for Face to Face. Do the Side and Close on the
first and second steps, and only on the third and last step do you
turn to face partner, swinging the trail hands down and back between
you and your partner to end facing partner in BFLY position.
Eum originally prepared these Tips for Calls 'n' Cues, Washington
Area Square Dancers Cooperative Association (WASCA); reprinted in the
Dixie Round Dance Council (DRDC) Newsletter, November 2013.