by Randy & Marie Preskitt
The following 2 paragraphs are from Roundalab’s progressive teaching
Bolero is an American Ballroom dance rhythm. It is characterized by a
strong rise and fall action in the basic figures. In Round Dancing, the
figures begin on a slow side step, considered a preparatory step. The
maximum body rise is gained on the slow, and this rise is achieved with
the leg and the body rather than from the ankle and foot as is done in
the smooth rhythms. Lowering occurs in a rolling like motion on step
two. Unlike Rumba, there is no Cuban motion of the hips in the basic
figures. The basic dance position is a loose Closed Position or
Butterfly Position similar to those used in other Latin rhythms. The
steps are taken in a ball/flat action as in done in most other Latin
The tempo of Bolero is very slow, about 22 -28 measures per minute.
Thus, strong control is required to capture the essence of the SQQ
rhythm. When teaching this rhythm, encourage the dancers to work on
developing the control necessary to sustain body motion throughout each
figure. Since the timing of Bolero is SQQ it should not be taught with
Rumba or ChaCha. It would logically follow the teaching of Foxtrot.
Dancers would then be familiar with using the slow step first.
This is a great description in the general timing of bolero, but now we
need to further describe some of the additional techniques. The first
slow step must be taken on a soft leg pushing to the side with no rise
until the full weight is taken. Then rise in the body with an upward
stretch taking time to fully use the slow count. The next step is a
quick count taken with a small step with very little reach. Think of
this as the body moving with the foot landing under the body rather
than reaching with the foot and moving the body to follow. At this
point, lower into the weighted foot on a soft knee. Maintaining this
low position, recover with a pushing action into the 3rd step, which
would be the second quick count. But now the critical point is to stay
low on this recover step in preparation for the next slow step. At this
point, push off of the standing foot for the next slow step of the next
move as described above. As has been stated often, this will give a
feeling of an ocean wave cresting against the shore and flowing back
out low.
In this manner, there is a continuous rising and lowering occurring
when dancing bolero. This will help maintain timing especially when the
music is played at a slower pace. The important thing to remember is
never stop moving. After the slow step is taken there is still body
movement happening before the first quick count. This will help to keep
from rushing the move and getting ahead. This entire action makes the
mechanics of bolero much different than rumba. Although both rhythms
share common moves they are danced with different styles -- rumba with
a straight leg and bolero with soft flexing legs.
The next thing to consider is body mechanics. In addition to the rise
and fall of bolero there is also a stretching action as the slow step
is taken. This is helped by breathing in deeply as the slow step is
taken. This assists the upward stretch as the slow step is progressing.
Breath out as the two quick steps are taken. In all, just dance bolero
in a relaxed manner with soft rise and fall and enjoy the soft feeling.
From clinic notes
prepared for the ICBDA Convention, 2021,
in the Dixie Round Dance Council (DRDC)
Newsletter, November 2021.