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In 2005, we began to write educational articles, and to edit articles written by others, for the monthly newsletter of the Dixie Round Dance Council. These articles are indexed by topic in the site's Alphabetical Index. On this page, we list DRDC educational articles chronologically.


I am trying to extend this archive. If you have a DRDC newsletter collection or otherwise know what was published in a month that I don't list, please let me know.


The Ministry of Dance by Nancy Brock, 2/1979*
Roundance vs Ballroom Standards from Roundalab by Joe & Es Turner and Phil & Norma Roberts (PDF), 2/1979*
Roundance vs Ballroom Comment by Brent & Mickey Moore, DRDC Chairman (PDF), 2/1979*
Roundance vs Ballroom by Joe & Es Turner and Phil & Norma Roberts (PDF), 5/1979*
National Round Dance Convention Update by Francis & Gwen Flaherty (PDF), 5/1979*

*date confirmed


The Lloyd Shaw Foundation (PDF), 1/1980*
Good Leadership and Good Judgment by Jon Jones (PDF), 3/1981*
Some Important Things About Dancing That May Help You by Bill & Elsye Johnson (PDF), 4/1981*
Attitude Toward Levels of Dancing by Charles & Alida Lugenbuhl (PDF), 7/1982*
A Little Bit of Etiquette by Art & Fran Moore (PDF), 10/1982*
Round Dancers, Watch Your Hands by Richard & Jo Anne Lawson (PDF), 10/1982*
International Waltz by Bill & Carol Goss (PDF), 2/1987*
Body Mechanics by Chris & Edith Wrzenski (PDF), 3/1987*
Cueing Notes by Wilson McCreary (PDF), 5/1987*
How Do You Spell Leadership? by Herb Egender (PDF), 6/1987*
Lines and Picture Figures by Mike & Diana Sheridan (PDF), 12/1987*
Rumba by Peter & Beryl Barton (PDF), 2/1988*
The Importance of Leading and Following in Round Dancing by Brent & Mickey Moore (PDF), 3/1988*
Record Speed by Ron & Vivian Grendell (PDF), 5/1988*
Creative Choreography by Wayne & Barbara Blackford (PDF), 6/1988*
Leading and Following by Millard & June McKinney (PDF), 3/1989*
Paso Doble by Brent & Mickey Moore (PDF), 4/1989*
Rumba Cross by Richard & Jo Anne Lawson (PDF), 12/1989*

*date confirmed


Big Top by Richard & Jo Anne Lawson (PDF), 5/1990*
Chair and Slip by Richard & Jo Anne Lawson (PDF), 6/1990*
Head Positions by Richard & Jo Anne Lawson (PDF), 7/1990*
Drag Hesitation by Richard & Jo Anne Lawson (PDF), 9/1990*
Samba by Dave & Mary Simmons (PDF), 9/1990*
Telemarks by Ken & Irene Slater (PDF), 1992?
Round Dance Attire by Mary McGee (PDF), 4/1995
From Foot Position To Dancing by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
Ginger's Theme -- Walking Backwards and In High Heels Too by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
Icing On the Cake by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
In and Out Circles by Barbara & Jim German (PDF) , 1995-99?
Needed -- Two Left Feet (Turning In Tandem) by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
Oh My Aching Head by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
Telemark, Feather, & Three Step, Part I by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
Telemark, Feather, & Three Step, Part II by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
Telemark, Feather, & Three Step, Part III by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
The Dynamic Duo [in Cha] by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
The Whisk by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
Three Little Secrets by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
To Close Or Not To Close, That Is the Question! by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
Will You Need A Lifeline? A Just-For-Fun Quiz by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1995-99?
A Little Bit Of Latin by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 1995-99?
Last But Not Least -- The Head by Jerry & Diana Broadwater (PDF), 1/1997*
Natural Turn, Half Natural, Open Natural Turn by Mickey & Brent Moore, 5/1998*
So She Is On Her Heels, Now What? by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 10/1999*
Could Dance Position Help? by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 11/1999

*date confirmed


Under She Goes by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1/2000
Toni Heel by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 5/2000
Toilet Paper Tricks by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 11/2000*

*date confirmed


And Uh? by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 1/2001
Inching Along -- The Timing of a Step by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 2/2001
Just A Slip by Barbara & Jim German (PDF), 7,8/2001
Contrary Body Movement by Barbara & Jim German and Richard Lamberty (PDF), 9/2001
A Perspective on Argentine Tango by Brent & Judy Moore, 10/2001*
The Latin Hold by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 11/2001
Latin Footwork by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 12/2001

*date confirmed


Smooth Rhythm Points of Contact by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 1/2002
Smooth Rhythm Technique by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 2/2002*
Foxtrot Characteristics by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 3/2002*
Rumba Characteristics by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 4/2002*
Waltz and More by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 5/2002*
What Are the Benefits of Attending Special Dances by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 6/2002*
Dance Music: Matching Dance Styles with Music Types by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 7,8/2002*
Rhythmic Patterns by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 9/2002*
Rhythmic Patterns by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 10/2002*
Smooth Rhythm Technique by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 11/2002*
A Tango Is A Tango -- Right?? by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 12/2002*

*date confirmed


Cha Cha Cha by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 1/2003*
West Coast Swing by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 2/2003
Arm Styling Tips by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 3/2003
West Coast Swing Figure Groups by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 4/2003
Wrist, Palm, and Finger Styling Ideas by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 5/2003
Double Reverse Spin by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 6/2003
Implied Dance Actions by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 7,8/2003
Rhythmic Patterns -- Smooth by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 9/2003
Mambo Clinic Notes by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 10/2003; 2009 revision, Mambo!
Music In the Digital Age by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF)
West Coast Swing Figure Groups by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 11/2003*
West Coast Swing -- Anchor vs Coaster by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 12/2003

*date confirmed


West Coast Swing Sugar Push by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 1/2004
How the Phase Rating System Reflects the History of Modern Round Dancing by Veronica McClure (PDF), 2/2004
Music In the Digital Age by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 3/2004
Standing On Your Own Two Feet, Not Your Partner's - Part I by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 4/2004
Standing On Your Own Two Feet, Not Your Partner's - Part II by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 5/2004
Balance While Rotating by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 6/2004
Foxtrot Timing by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 7,8/2004
Lead Follow by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 9/2004; 2006 revision, Lead? Follow?
Latin Attitude I by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 10/2004
Latin Attitude II by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 11/2004
How Are Dances Categorized? by Sandi Coleman Finch (PDF), 12/200


There Is More Than One Way To Lead, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 1/2005
Don’t Fight With Your Partner, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 2/2005
Icing On the Cake, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 3/2005
Whisk Me Away by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 4/2005
Left Whisk With Me by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 5/2005
Double Reverse Spin by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 6/2005
Skiing Through the Foxtrot, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 7,8/2005
Tumble Turn by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 9/2005
The Foxtrot & Quickstep, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 10/2005
none, 11/2005*
Some Waltz History, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 12/2005



Dancing Or Just Standing There, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 1/2006
Pitfalls In Lead & Follow, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 2/2006
Balance and Good Posture, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 3/2006
Jive and Swing, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 4/2006
West Coast Swing, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 5/2006
West Coast Swing Figure Patterns, Part I, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 6/2006
West Coast Swing Figure Patterns, Part II — Four-Count and More, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 7,8/2006
Dance Position and Connection Between Partners, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 9/2006
Dance Position and Connection, Part II — A List, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 10/2006
Twists and Twist Turns, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 11/2006
Single, Double, and Triple Twist Turns, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 12/2006



Hip Twist Figures, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 1/2007
Be Gentle, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 2/2007
Tipples, Ripples, and Body Rolls, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 3/2007
The Healthy Side Of Round Dancing, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 4/2007
Inside & Outside Rolls In Slow Two-Step, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 5/2007
A Few Rondes In Slow Two-Step, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 6/2007
Animal Figures, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 7,8/2007
The Long and the Short Of It, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 9/2007
Mini-Picture Figures, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 10/2007
Let's Put On A Show, by Harold & Meredith Sears, 11/2007
Samba by Chris & Terri Cantrell (PDF), 12/2007


Continuous Figures In Latin by Harold & Meredith Sears, 1/2008
Continuous, Extended, and Interrupted Figures in Smooth by Harold & Meredith Sears, 2/2008
Paso Doble Styling by Shirley Aymé, 3/2008
Left Hinge, Right Hinge — Increasing Figure Variety by Harold & Meredith Sears, 4/2008
Give Her Leg A Nudge by Harold & Meredith Sears, 5/2008
Rumba Styling by Shirley Aymé, 6/2008
Whip Her Across by Harold & Meredith Sears, 7,8/2008


Foxtrot — Do we need to / should we always start with phase III? by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
Lead That Hockey Stick by Harold & Meredith Sears
Lots of Dances or Good Dancing? by Roy & Phyllis Stier


What Is Natural About A Natural Turn? by Harold & Meredith Sears
Fun by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
Rumba Reflections by Roy & Phyllis Stier


Smooth Dancing — If Fred and Ginger Can Do It, Why Can't You? by Ralph & Joan Collipi
Blend To Banjo by Harold & Meredith Sears
Behold, the Box! by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance Tips—Jive I by Tim Eum


Differences Between Men and Women by Annette Woodruff
Adjust To Your Partner—Men, You Must Lead and Read by Harold & Meredith Sears
All About Whisks by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance Tips—Jive II by Tim Eum



A Brief History of Square and Round Dancing by Veronica McClure, 1/2009
Anticipate the Check by Harold & Meredith Sears, 1/2009
What About Feathers? by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 1/2009


The Complete Roundalab Phases 101 by Annette Woodruff, 2/2009
Smile — Dancing Is About the Relationship by Harold & Meredith Sears, 2/2009
About Those Chasses by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 2/2009
Round Dance Tips—Jive III by Tim Eum, 2/2009


Tango — Go, Stop by Harold & Meredith Sears, 3/2009
Keep Dancing by Harold & Meredith Sears, 3/2009
The Telemark in Retrospect by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 3/2009
Round Dance Tips—Two Latin Actions by Tim Eum, 3/2009


Samba Styling by Shirley Aymé, 4/2009
How To Samba by Alma Guillermoprieto, 4/2009
One Good Turn Deserves Another by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 4/2009
Round Dance Tips—Slow Two Step I by Tim Eum, 4/2009


Using Your Hands by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid, 5/2009
Squeeze the Trigger by Harold & Meredith Sears, 5/2009
The Look Alikes by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 5/2009
Round Dance Tips—Slow Two Step II by Tim Eum, 5/2009


Where Did All Those Rhythms Come From? by Harold & Meredith Sears, 6/2009
Round Dance Tips—Actions by Tim Eum, 6/2009


Bolero—"The Other Rumba" by Jack & Judy DeChenne, 7/2009
Be Gentle by Harold & Meredith Sears, 7/2009
On Body Mechanics I by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 7/2009
Round Dance Tips—Shoes by Tim Eum, 7/2009


A Few Notes On Paso Doble, "The Other Two-Step" by Dan & Sandi Finch, 9/2009
Squeeze the Trigger by Harold & Meredith Sears, 9/2009
On Body Mechanics II by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 9/2009
Round Dance Tips—Paso Doble by Tim Eum, 9/2009


Attend To Your Partner by Harold & Meredith Sears, 10/2009
Teaching Bolero Styling by Annette Woodruff, 10/2009
One Figure—Paso Doble, Grand Circle by Harold & Meredith Sears, 10/2009
On Body Mechanics III by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 10/2009
Round Dance Tips—Bolero by Tim Eum, 10/2009


Character & Origin of Samba by Dwain & Judy Sechrist, 11/2009
Differences In Rhythms by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid, 11/2009
One Figure—Paso Doble, Promenade by Harold & Meredith Sears, 11/2009
On Body Mechanics IV by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 11/2009
Round Dance Tips—Samba by Tim Eum, 11/2009


That Pesky "Other" Cha Cha Rhythm — 4 & 1 by Jim & Bonnie Bahr, 12/2009
Lead With Lead Hands Low by Harold & Meredith Sears, 12/2009
One Figure—Paso Doble, Chasse Cape by Harold & Meredith Sears, 12/2009
On Body Mechanics V by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 12/2009
Round Dance Tips—Cha Cha Basic by Tim Eum, 12/2009



English Country Dancing Before, During, and After Jane Austen by Veronica McClure, 1/2010
One Figure—Paso Doble, Fregolina & Farol by Harold & Meredith Sears, 1/2010
The Telemark Figures I by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 1/2010
Round Dance Tips—Stretching by Tim Eum, 1/2010


Tango Helps & Figures by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid, 2/2010
Leading An Underarm Turn by Harold & Meredith Sears, 2/2010
A Trend in Round Dancing by Frank Hamilton, 2/2010
The Telemark Figures II by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 2/2010
Round Dance Tips—Timing by Tim Eum, 2/2010


What do We Want From Our ROQ Programs? by Annette Woodruff, 3/2010
What Do I Look For In A Good ROQ Dance? by Bob Ensten, 3/2010
One Figure—Paso Doble, The Twists by Harold & Meredith Sears, 3/2010
Phase III—Spin & Impetus Turns by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 3/2010
Round Dance Tips—Position Problems by Tim Eum, 3/2010


Musicality: Using the Motivation of the Music by Dan & Sandi Finch, 4/2010
The Art of Leading---and Following by Frank Hamilton, 4/2010
Phase III—Smooth Figures Continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier, 4/2010
Round Dance Tips—Arm Work by Tim Eum, 4/2010


Some Dancing Tips for Jive by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
Lead and Follow in the Swing Rhythms by Harold & Meredith Sears
One Figure—Slow Two Step, The Square by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase III—Smooth Figures Continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance Tips—Reverse Fallaway Figures by Tim Eum


A Few Notes On West Coast Swing by Dan & Sandi Finch
Lead and Follow in West Coast Swing by Harold & Meredith Sears
Closed Position by Don Herbison-Evans
One Figure—Waltz, Chair by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase III—Smooth Figures and Phase IV Reverse Turn by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance Tips—Make Your Crossing Steps More Comfortable by Tim Eum


Chainé Turns, A New Way To Rotate by Dan & Sandi Finch
The Two Step Can Go Beyond Country To Elegant by Annette Woodruff
Matching Body Lines by Harold & Meredith Sears
International Ballroom, A Maturing Influence by Bill & Mary Lynn
One Figure—Waltz, Back Back/Lock Back by Harold & Meredith Sears
The Feather Figures by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsFeathers by Tim Eum


Pointers On Leading And Following by Ronnen Levinson
Demystifying "Lead-and-Follow In Round Dancing by Annette Woodruff
The Feather Figures II by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsFeathers II by Tim Eum


What Is A Top Spin? by Harold & Meredith Sears
One Figure—Tango, Back Corte by Harold & Meredith Sears
Beyond Feathers -- Phase IV by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsRumba I (5 installments in one document) by Tim Eum
Fly Like A Bird by Mick


Dance With Feeling by Harold & Meredith Sears
Leadership by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid (PDF)
One Figure—Tango, Promenade Link by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase IV Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsRumba II (5 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


An Introduction To West Coast Swing by Brent & Judy Moore
West Coast Swing -- Balance, Connections, Syncopations, Variations by Chris & Teri Cantrell (PDF)
Phase IV Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsRumba III (5 installments in one document) by Tim Eum



Smooth Dancing by Paul & Linda Robinson
What Is A Switch? by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase IV Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsRumba IV (5 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


Bolero -- Rumba With A Big Difference! by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
Development of Dnce Through the Centuries by Harold & Meredith Sears
The Two Major Schools of Dance -- International and American Rhythm Styles by Janet Carlson
Phase IV Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsRumba V (5 installments in one document) by Tim Eum
Handkerchief Flirtations by Daniel R. Shafer (1877) (PDF)


Making Your Figures Flow by Brent & Judy Moore
One Figure—Tango, Serpiente by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase IV Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsWaltz (2 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


Teaching (and Learning) Waltz Magic -- Rise & Fall by Dick & Karen Fisher
Why the Tango Is Not a Latin Dance by Veronica McClure
One Figure—Tango, Flick by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase IV Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsWaltz (2 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


Talking Tango by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
One Figure—Tango, Closed Promenade by Harold & Meredith Sears
Some Basics—Suggestions for Learning to Round Dance -- Ask Questions -- by Kaye West (4 installments in one document)
Phase V Figures by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsTwo Step (2 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


Tango Timing by Richard Lamberty
One Figure—Tango, Chase by Harold & Meredith Sears
Some Basics—Suggestions for Learning to Round Dance -- by Kaye West (4 installments in one document)
Phase V Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance TipsTwo Step (2 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


Latin Motion by Chris & Terri Cantrell
Let's Dance the Mambo! by Irv & Betty Easterday
One Figure—Tango, Natural Twist Turn by Harold & Meredith Sears
Some Basics—Suggestions for Learning to Round Dance, continued, by Kaye West (4 installments in one document)
Round Dance Tips—Tango by Tim Eum


Picture Figures by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
One Figure—Tango, Four Step/Five Step by Harold & Meredith Sears
Some Basics—Suggestions for Learning to Round Dance, continued, by Kaye West (4 installments in one document)
Phase V Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance Tips—Latin Motion & Technique by Tim Eum


One Figure, Three Rhythms by Sandi & Dan Finch
Smile! by Annette Woodruff
Body Types by Richard Lamberty
Posture and Balance by Kaye West
One Figure—Tango, Whirligig by Harold & Meredith Sears


West Coast Swing Figure Groups by Susie & Gert-Jan Rotscheid
Four Problem Figures In West Coast Swing by Brent & Judy Moore
One Figure—Rumba, Underarm Roll by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase V Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance Tips—Foxtrot I (2 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


Dancing Posture by Richard Lamberty
Yes, You May Video, But . . . by Sandi & Dan Finch
One Figure—Jive, The Tunnel by Harold & Meredith Sears
Round Dance Tips—Foxtrot II (2 installments in one document) by Tim Eum



Round Dancers Vs. "Good" Round Dancers by Frank & Carol Valenta
The Three A's + 1 by Bill & Martha Buck
Jive and Swing Deserve A Little Care and Precision, Too by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase VI Figures by Roy & Phyllis Stier


How's Your Blend? by Helmut Licht
Shall We Take A Walk? by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase VI Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier


Slow Two Step by Susie & Gert-Jan Rotscheid
Hustle, One Of Our Less Common Rhythms by Harold & Meredith Sears
Tipple Chasse and Ripple Chasse by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
Phase VI Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier


A History Of Dance, Part 1 (2 installments in one document) by Chris & Terri Cantrell
Telemark Talk by Brent & Judy Moore
Playing With Waltz Timing—Spin and Twist by Harold & Meredith Sears
Round Dance Tips—Jive I (4 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


A History Of Dance, Part 2 (2 installments in one document) by Chris & Terri Cantrell
Leading and Following by Phil Folwell & Marcia Butcher
Hesitation Canter Waltz by John & Karen Herr
Round Dance Tips—Jive II (4 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


Two Popular Rhythms, Cha & Foxtrot by Joan & Ralph Collipi
Let's Mambo by Roy & Sally Plaisance
Round Dance Tips—Jive III (4 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


Elevate Your Foxtrot by John & Mary Macuci
Foxtrot Feather by Kay & Joy Read
Rise, Fall, and the Foxtrot Three Step by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase VI Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier
Round Dance Tips—Jive IV (4 installments in one document) by Tim Eum


An Introduction to the International Style Waltz by Brent & Mickey Moore
A Few Notes On American Smooth Waltz by Dan & Sandi Finch
Floorcraft and Etiquette by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
Foot Follows Frame by Harold & Meredith Sears
Round Dance Tips—Rumba Cucaracha by Tim Eum


Alternate Chasses In Cha Cha by Brent & Judy Moore
Make It Look Easy by Harold & Meredith Sears
A Few Notes On Quickstep by Sandi & Dan Finch
The Silent Partner of the "Teaching Team" by Jerry Stinson
Round Dance -- It's A Blast by Peg & John Kincaid (PDF)


Some Basics About Picture Figures by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
Picture Figures, Fact ans Fantasy by Roy & Sally Plaisance
The Right Lunge Line by Mary & Pete McGee
One Figure—Bolero, Horseshoe Turn by Harold & Meredith Sears


Rumba Character by Dwain & Judy Sechrist
Rumba Rhythm by Pete & mary McGee
Paso Doble by George & Mady D'Aloiso
One Figure—Bolero, Half Moon by Harold & Meredith Sears
Phase VI Figures continued by Roy & Phyllis Stier



"Finding Solutions" for Common Problem Figures in Smooth Dancing by Sandi & Dan Finch
Smooth Dancing by Pete & Mary McGee
Waltz Workshop Notes by Russ & Barbara Casey
Figures Without Phase Ratings by Roy & Phyllis Stier


A Few Notes On Slow Two Step by Dan & Sandi Finch
Slow Two Step Is Smooth and Flowing by Harold & Meredith Sears
Telemarks by Pete & Mary McGee
Round Dance Tips—Programming a State "Beginner's Dance" by Tim Eum
Figures Without Phase Ratings II by Roy & Phyllis Stier


Improving Rhythmic Definition -- Techniques for Developing the Distinct Characteristics of Each Smooth Rhythm by Brent & Mickey Moore
Telemarks by Ken & Irene Slater
Rumba and the Latin Hip by Kenji & Nobuko Shibata
One Figure—Slow Two Step, Left Turn With Inside Roll by Harold & Meredith Sears
Figures Without Phase Ratings III by Roy & Phyllis Stier


Rotational Figures by Brent & Judy Moore
Selecting Ballroom Dance Shoes by Darrah Chavey
One Figure—Slow Two Step, Fallaway Ronde by Harold & Meredith Sears
Figures Without Phase Ratings IV by Roy & Phyllis Stier


Cha Cha Clinic Notes by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
One Figure—Slow Two Step, Switches by Harold & Meredith Sears
Round Dance Tips—A Waltz Clinic by Tim Eum & Cindy Hadley
Figures Without Phase Ratings V by Roy & Phyllis Stier


The Foxy Foxtrot by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
It's More Than Just Banjo -- Making Sense of CBM and CBMP by Dan & Sandi Finch
One Figure—Slow Two Step, Triple Traveler by Harold & Meredith Sears
Unclassified Quickstep Figures by Roy & Phyllis Stier


Efforts We Can Make To Improve All Our Dancing by Harold & Meredith Sears
Round Dance Tips—Round Dance Video Web Sites by Tim Eum


Arms -- I Can't Do A Thing With Them by Dan & Sandi Finch
Bolero -- The Cuban "Dance of Love" by TJ & Bruce Chadd
Round Dance Tips—Some Bolero Figures by Tim Eum
Unclassified Quickstep Figures II by Roy & Phyllis Stier


Paso Doble -- The Beginning by Sandi & Dan Finch
Paso Doble -- Continued by Ron & Mary Noble
What Makes Figures Work by Pat & Joe Hilton
Round Dance Tips—Follow My Lead by Tim Eum


Let's Learn to Twist by Dan & Sandi Finch
Differences Between Latin and Modern Rhythms by Rod & Susan Anderson
Quickstep by Warren & Sandy Teague
Quickstep, Notes for Dance Improvement by Brent & Mickey Moore
Round Dance Tips—Turning Away from Partner and Coming Back by Tim Eum


Picture Figures: The Magic Act in Dancing by Sandi & Dan Finch
Picture Figures by Pat & Joe Hilton
Simply Salsa! by Karen & Dick Fisher
Dancing In Your Head by Harold & Meredith Sears



Feathers by Harold & Meredith Sears
Just What Is There About the Argentine Tango by Sandi & Dan Finch
Samba by Pete & Mary McGee
Viennese Waltz I by Roy & Phyllis Stier


How Much Technique at Phase II? by Don Casper & Heike Beck
An Introduction to Lead and Follow by Dick Fisher
History of the Modern Latin Rhythms by Sandi & Dan Finch
Viennese Waltz II by Roy & Phyllis Stier


Rise and Fall -- How, When, and Why by Brent & Judy Moore
Partner Dancing by Sandi & Dan Finch
Quickstep -- An Introduction by Bruce & Kristine Nelson
Viennese Waltz III by Roy & Phyllis Stier


It's A Side Show by Brent & Judy Moore
Is It Really Banjo, or CBM and CBMP? by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
Quickstep by Dick & Karen Fisher
The ABCs of Round Dance Style by Harmon & Betty Jorritsma


A Few Notes On East Coast Swing by Dan & Sandi Finch
Round Dance Tips—Some Jive Figures by Tim Eum
International Tango by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
Our Round Dance Classics by Mick


The Tangos -- Argentine, International, and American Styles by Jack & Judy DeChenne
Round Dance Tips—A Few Tango Figures by Tim Eum
West Coast Swing is a Wonderful Thing by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
Oh, My Aching Feet by Sandi & Dan Finch


A Brief History of Square and Round Dancing by Herb & Cathy Egender
Round Dancing -- The Best Is Yet To Come! by Irv & Betty Easterday
A Who's Who by Sandi & Dan Finch
Why Bother With Standards? by Sandi & Dan Finch


Secrets Of Successful Dancing (S.O.S HELP !) by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
Your Space Or Mine? by Jack & Judy DeChenne
Movin' On UP! by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
How Figures Come To Be by Sandi & Dan Finch
Smooth Dancing -- Moving From III/IV to IV/V by Dick & Karen Fisher



Chicken or the Egg? -- Building A Dance Weekend (PDF) by Cindy Hadley
Leading and Following by Irv & Betty Easterday
There's A Funny Thing About Turns by Sandi & Dan Finch
How to Mess Up A Truning Figure by Sandi & Dan Finch
Round Dance Tips—A Few Turns by Tim Eum
Round Dance Tips—Sway by Tim Eum
Let's Chasse! by Harold & Meredith Sears
Simple Steps to Tango by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
American Tango by Harold & Meredith Sears
Cha Cha Cha by Irv & Betty Easterday


Don't Be Tricked By SQQ by Sandi & Dan Finch
Round Dance Tips—Standard Figures From Phase I to Phase VI by Tim Eum
Argentine Tango & the Flirtatious Ocho by Harold & Meredith Sears
The Swing's the Thing by Irv & Betty Easterday


Do You Really Need All Those Shoes? by Cindy Hadley (PDF)
Dancing: It's All About Communication & Partnership by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
Changes Over the Years by Sandi & Dan Finch
A Few Notes On Merengue by Sandi & Dan Finch
Round Dance Tips—Doble Cruz by Tim Eum
Wheel Around by Harold & Meredith Sears


Smooth Your Dancing by Harold & Meredith Sears
Dancing Your Foxtrot as Smooth As A Feather by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
Round Dance Tips—A Few Phase VI Smooth Figures by Tim Eum


A Turn Like No Other, the Heel Turn by Sandi & Dan Finch
Bolero—Beyond the Basics by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
Round Dance Tips—A Few Bolero Figures by Tim Eum
From the Ballroom—Practicing Separateness by Elizabeth & Arthur Seagull (4 parts on one page)


Smooth vs Latin by Rey & Sherry Garza
Need A Reminder? General Rules for Dancing by Sandi & Dan Finch
Round Dance Tips—Triple Pretzel Turn by Tim Eum
One Figure—Paso Doble Appel by Harold & Meredith Sears
From the Ballroom—Practice by Elizabeth & Arthur Seagull (4 parts on one page)


Let's Quickstep by Irv & Betty Easterday
Do You Shape? by Sandi & Dan Finch
From the Ballroom—Respecting Your Partner's Space by Elizabeth & Arthur Seagull (4 parts on one page)


Dance Technique: Rotation -- What is it & how is it done? by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
A Perspective on Argentine Tango by Brent & Judy Moore



Understanding the Similarities and Differences in Phase III/IV Waltz by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
From the Ballroom--Lead and Follow by Elizabeth & Arthur Seagull (4 parts on one page)


Merengue Clinic Notes by Peg & John Kincaid
The Foxy Foxtrot by Sandi & Dan Finch
Hesitation/Canter Waltz by Mark & Pam Prow


A Few Waltz Figures I by Tim Eum (5 parts on one page)
And What Do I Do With My Arms by Sandi & Dan Finch


A Few Waltz Figures II by Tim Eum (5 parts on one page)
West Coast Swing by Mark & Pam Prow


Where Did They Get THAT Name? by Sandi & Dan Finch
A Few Waltz Figures III by Tim Eum (5 parts on one page)
Quickstep by Mark & Pam Prow


Arthur Murray Taught Me Dancing In A Hurry by Sandi & Dan Finch
From the Ballroom--On Leading and Following by various dancers (all parts on one page)
A Few Waltz Figures IV by Tim Eum (5 parts on one page)


Make A Picture by Harold & Meredith Sears
I Got Rhythm by Sandi & Dan Finch
Some Picture Figures by Tim Eum
A Few Waltz Figures V by Tim Eum (5 parts on one page)


Float and Flight and Fun …  It's Foxtrot by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
Is It Art? Sport? Science? by Sandi & Dan Finch
From the Ballroom--On How Followers Can Help Beginning Leaders by various dancers (all parts on one page)
Transitioning To Intermediate Waltz by Mark & Pam Prow


A Word On Lead and Follow by Annette Woodruff
Getting Them To Like Tango by Sandi & Dan Finch
To Collect Or Not To Collect by Richard Lamberty


Reverse Fallaway by Sandi & Dan Finch
Well Noted by Sandi & Dan Finch
Differences in Rhythms by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid


How to Market Your Round Dance Activity by John & Karen Herr (PDF)
The 3 D's of Dance Excellence by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
The Art of Tango by Rey & Sherry Garza



Introducing International Tango To Your Dancers by Pat & Joe Hilton
From the Ballroom--The Importance Of Dancing With Beginners by various dancers (all parts on one page)
Stretch for Safe and Comfortable Dancing by Sandi & Dan Finch


Find Your Frame! by Irv & Betty Easterday
Take Care of Your Fascii by Sandi & Dan Finch
It's 4/4, But What Is It? by Sandi & Dan Finch


Rotation -- What Is It & How Is It Done? by Kristine & Bruce Nelson
From the Ballroom--On the Way Dancing Is (mis)Taught by various dancers (all parts on one page)
An Old Idea Is New Again -- Posture by Sandi & Dan Finch


Find Your Frame! by Irv & Betty Easterday
If You've Danced One Chasse by Sandi & Dan Finch
Rotating Figures and Execution by Pat & Joe Hilton1


Upper Body Dance Frame (How to Dance as One) by Tim Eum
Suggestions for Correct Dancing
by Sandi & Dan Finch
Check, Checking, Contra Check by Harold & Meredith Sears


Look Up by Tim Eum
From the Ballroom--Connection by various dancers (all parts on one page)
Dancer's Feet by Sandi & Dan Finch


Introducing Bolero to Your Dancers by Pat & Joe Hilton
Bolero Cross Body & Left Pass by Harold & Meredith Sears
A Few Notes On Advanced Bolero by Sandi & Dan Finch


From the Ballroom--On Arm Tone by various dancers (all parts on one page)
Hesitation Canter Waltz by Sandi & Dan Finch
In's & Out's Of SCP by Sandi & Dan Finch


From Where We've Come by Sandi & Dan Finch
Two Picture Figures by Tim Eum
Using Your Arms to Decorate Your Dancing by Brent & Judy Moore


Woman's Head, Left or Right? by Sandi & Dan Finch
The Neck Is Part of Posture by Tim Eum
From the Ballroom--On Dance Frame by various dancers (all parts on one page)


A Formula For Learning by Sandi & Dan Finch
Introduction To Quickstep by Tim Eum
Stepping Into Quickstep by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid



Arms: I Can't Do A Thing With Them by Sandi & Dan Finch
Eggbeater Turn by Tim Eum
Making and Adapting Ballroom Lines by Brent & Judy Moore


Is It A Cross Body, Turning Basic, or Left Pass by Sandi & Dan Finch
From the Ballroom--On Force Level by various dancers (all parts on one page)
Three Advanced Rumba Figures by Tim Eum


Where Might We Go From Here? by Sandi & Dan Finch
Jitterbug Kicks ("Double Swing" Jive -- Unphased) by Tim Eum
Left Side Pass and Freedom of Expression by Harold & Meredith Sears


Feathers, Feathers, Everywhere by Sandi & Dan Finch
The Character of Bolero by Brent & Judy Moore
From the Ballroom--On the Ballroom Look in WCS by various dancers (all parts on one page)


Merengue Notes by Ralph & Joan Collipi
Spins and Turns by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
Tips and Tools for Better Dancing by Sandi & Dan Finch


An Approach to Advanced Tango by Sandi & Dan Finch
Round Dance Tips—Tango by Tim Eum
From the Ballroom--On Balance and Head Position by various dancers (all parts on one page)


Bolero Half and Full Moons by Tim Eum
Fun and Art: They Can Co-exist by Sandi & Dan Finch
Bolero, History and Character by Ralph & Joan Collipi


Natural Turns by Kay & Joy Read
The Art of Heel Turns by Sandi & Dan Finch
From the Ballroom--Some Specific Types of Turns by various dancers (all parts on one page)


When the Music Talks to You by Sandi & Dan Finch
How Similar Rhythms are Different by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
Let's Cuddle by Harold & Meredith Sears


If You Want Dancing To Be More Fun, Show Your Happy Face by Sandi & Dan Finch
Taking the Mystery Out Of CBM and CBMP by Brent & Judy Moore
Contra Check and Slip by Tim Eum


Three Gentle Reminders by Harold & Meredith Sears
Two Positions: SCP and RSCP by Tim Eum
Keeping It Simple, Frame and Posture by Sandi & Dan Finch



Standing On Your Own Feet by Sandi & Dan Finch
The Telefeather by Tim Eum


The Busy Bee of Gravity by Sandi & Dan Finch
From the Ballroom--How To Lead An American Spin In ECS by various dancers (all parts on one page)
Intro To Jive by Tim Eum


Thinking Outside the Box by Sandi & Dan Finch
Foxtrot Is Not Waltz Danced SQQ by Paula & Warwick Armstrong
Tele What? by Wayne & Barbara Blackford


Time To Revisit Balance by Sandi & Dan Finch
Why We Keep Left by Warwick & Paula Armstrong
From the Ballroom--On Teaching On the Dance Floor by various dancers (all parts on one page)


The Atomic Elements of Dance by Sandi & Dan Finch
Bolero by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
The Split Ronde by Tim Eum


The Left and Rights: Improving Your Rotational Figures by Sandi & Dan Finch
Three Left Turning Figures by Tim Eum


One Smooth and One Latin by Sandi & Dan Finch
Smooth Out and Make Your Foxtrot Travel by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
On the Ballroom Floor -- 10 Dancing Qualities by Robin Chee


Why Can't I Remember That? by Sandi & Dan Finch
Rumba Hip Twists by Tim Eum & Shirley Ray
Making Your Figures Flow, Some Points for Smooth Dancing by Warwick & Paula Armstrong


Posture and Frame by Sandi & Dan Finch
Move Your Body First by Harold & Meredith Sears
Intro to Jive by Tim Eum


East Coast Swing, A Historical Overview by Kurt Lichtmann
The All-American Dance by Sandi & Dan Finch
Bolero Glide, Drop, and Drift by Tom Hicks


West Coast Swing History by Kurt Lichtmann
West Coast Swing by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
The Three Forms of Both Rise and Sway by Sandi & Dan Finch



Introduction To Foxtrot by Tim Eum
Some Basic Foxtrot Technique by Paula & Warwick Armstrong
Commit Fully To Each Step by Sandi & Dan Finch


Feel Good, Look Great! -- Notes On Lead & Follow by Tom Hicks
Ballroom Dancing Is Not For Sissies by Sandi & Dan Finch
Foxtrot Bounce by Harold & Meredith Sears


It Only Seems Like A Marathon by Sandi & Dan Finch
Simply Speaking, It's Simply Foxtrot by Brent & Judy Moore
Two Advanced Figures That Each Contain A Feather Finish by Tim Eum


No Classes? Shift to Video by Harold & Meredith Sears (PDF)
YouTube DanceDemos by Paul & Jean Zimmer
Making the Most of the Situation by Sandi & Dan Finch
Socializing & Dancing During Social Distancing by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid (PDF)


not published due to inactivity during covid


While We're Waiting For A Dance by Sandi & Dan Finch
Bolero--An American Dance by Bob & Sally Nolen
The Look Of Bolero by Harold & Meredith Sears


Body Mechanics Versus Styling by Paula & Warwick Armstrong
It's All About Time by Sandi & Dan Finch
Cha Cha and the Chase by Tim Eum


not published due to inactivity during covid



not published due to inactivity during covid


Can't Wait To Start Dancing? by Sandi & Dan Finch
To Turn or Not to Turn--That is the Question! by Tom Hicks


not published due to inactivity during covid


Banjo and Sidecar -- with a twist of contra by Warwick & Paula Armstrong
Remembering What We've Learned by Sandi & Dan Finch
A Salute to the Blackfords by Sandi & Dan Finch


What's In A Name by Sandi & Dan Finch
An Alemana Is Not A Twirl by Harold & Meredith Sears
Heel Turn by Tim Eum


Getting That Rumba Flavor by Steve & Lori Harris
Swivels, Spins, and Twists by Sandi & Dan Finch
The Nuts and Bolts of Leading and Following by Tom Hicks


A Little Hard Work Ahead by Sandi & Dan Finch
Introducing Lead and Follow In Latin by Warwick & Paula Armstrong
Rumba Hip Twist by Harold & Meredith Sears


Smoothing Out Those Slows by Sandi & Dan Finch
Phase II Techniques For Million Dollar Dancing by Walter & Eula Brewer


Round Dance Tips -- Two Step Scissors by Tim Eum
Balance On the Dance Floor by Sandi & Dan Finch


Partnering In Teaching Dance by Erin & Scott Byars
Bolero by Randy & Marie Preskitt
Palmquist Palm Springs Round-Up, 50th Anniversary, 2021 -- A Tribute To the Palmquists by Sandi & Dan Finch


Slow Two Step by Randy & Marie Preskitt
Left Turn With Inside Roll by Tim Eum
Musicality: Using the Motivation Of the Music by Sandi & Dan Finch



Exotic Rhythms and Figures by Sandi & Dan Finch
One Figure -- Paso Doble Grand Circle by Harold & Meredith Sears
Looking Circles by Walter & Eula Brewer


Resolutions and Thoughts by Sandi & Dan Finch
West Coast Overview by Randy Lewis & Debbie Olson
&a1, &a2, Oh, No! by Sandi & Dan Finch
Sugar Push by Tim Eum


Basic Cha Cha Actions by Randy & Marie Preskitt
What's In A Name by Sandi & Dan Finch
One Figure -- Paso Doble Chasse Cape by Harold & Meredith Sears


The Neuron Dance by Sandi & Dan Finch
Foxtrot -- Let's Get Smooth by Randy Lewis & Debbie Olson
Two Foxtrot Weaves by Tim Eum


Chassé With Me by Sandi & Dan Finch
One Figure -- Paso Doble The Twists by Harold & Meredith Sears


Intermediate Foxtrot by Tim Eum & Shirley Ray
Where Am I (in Space and Time)? Part I by Sandi & Dan Finch
ROUNDALAB Phases 101 by Annette Woodruff


Making Your Figures Flow -- Some Points For Smooth Dancing by Warwick & Paula Armstrong
Smooth Out and Make Your Foxtrot Travel by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
When the Words Began To Change by Sandi & Dan Finch


Body Mechanics Versus Styling by Warwick & Paula Armstrong
Foxtrot You Say? by Sandi & Dan Finch


How About A Little Tango? by Sandi & Dan Finch
Tango by Tim Eum
Attend To Your Partner by Harold & Meredith Sears


Are You A Leader (Fred)? Are You A Follower (Ginger)? by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
Who Is To Blame by Warren Lieuallen
Phase Levels -- Where Do You Start? by Sandi & Dan Finch


Matching Body Lines by Harold & Meredith Sears
Contra Check and Slip by Tim Eum
Teacher's (and Dancer's) Lament by Sandi & Dan Finch



Just One Thing by Warren Lieuallen
Mooch by Tim Eum
Shake It Up With A Little Jive by Sandi & Dan Finch


Hip Twists by Harold & Meredith Sears
Changes Are A-Coming by Sandi & Dan Finch
Compos Mentis, anon.


Heel Turn -- Not Just Another Turn by Sandi & Dan Finch
Who Leads? Who Follows? by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
Lead and Follow In the Swing Rhythms by Harold & Meredith Sears


Making Do by Sandi & Dan Finch
The Three Levels of Dancing by Warren Lieuallen
Some Three-Part Figures by Tim Eum


What, Oh What, To Do With My Head? by Sandi & Dan Finch
Foot Dancing vs. Body Dancing -- What Is the Difference? by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
The Value of the Basic Level Dances to Dancers at All Levels by Neil Koozer


Dancing the Tango by Wayne & Barbara Blackford
Two Pairs of Positions by Tim Eum
Dance Tips by Brent Moore


Freestyle Social Dancing -- Friend or Foe? by Ron Feightner
Rhythms by Sandi & Dan Finch
So You Think You Can Dance? by Warren Lieuallen


Teaching Open and Closed Figures by Joe & Pat Hilton
Nothing New Under the Sun? by Sandi & Dan Finch
A Few Advanced Figures in Rumba by Tim Eum & Shirley Ray


Gotchas Of Bolero: The Other Dance Of Love by Sandi & Dan Finch
MIA (Men in Action) #1: Swiveling, not Sniveling by Dr. Warren Lieuallen
Where Am I (In Space and Time)? Part II by Sandi & Dan Finch (part I, see June 2022)


How Difficult Is It? by Sandi & Dan Finch
MIA (Men in Action) #2: Going Down Under by Dr. Warren Lieuallen
Introduction To Waltz by Tim Eum


Dance Frame by Sandi & Dan Finch
MIA (Men in Action) #3: Positions by Dr. Warren Lieuallen
Taking the Mystery Out Of CBM and CBMP by Brent & Judy Moore



When the Body Gets In the Way by Sandi & Dan Finch
MIA (Men in Action) #4: Contra Body by Dr. Warren Lieuallen
Two Waltz Figures With Slice and Sway by Harold & Meredith Sears
Cue Sheet Punctuation 101 by Annette Woodruff


MIA (Men in Action) #5: Slice by Dr. Warren Lieuallen
Cueing -- Those Troublesome Aberrations by Sandi & Dan Finch
Round and Ballroom Brains by Annette Woodruff


MIA (Men in Action) #6: Each Rhythm is Different by Dr. Warren Lieuallen
A Turn Is A Turn Is A Turn by Sandi & Dan Finch
Jete Point by Tim Eum


MIA (Men in Action) #7: Don't Blame Me by Dr. Warren Lieuallen
Tango -- Walk With Me by Sandi & Dan Finch
The California Twirl by Tim Eum


MIA (Men in Action) #8: Weird Cues by Dr. Warren Lieuallen
Thinking Quick by Sandi & Dan Finch
The 3 D's Of Dance Excellence by Susie & Gert-Jan Rotscheid


Check, Checking, Contra Check by Harold & Meredith Sears
Slow Two Step Introduction by John & Karen Herr
What Shape Are You In? by
Sandi & Dan Finch


Introduction To Jive by Gert-Jan & Susie Rotscheid
Introduction To Mambo by Tim Eum
Is There Etiquette In Round Dancing? by Sandi & Dan Finch


Round Dancing Is A Partnership by Harold & Meredith Sears
Intro To West Coast Swing
by Tim Eum
Anchoring Your West Coast Swing by Sandi & Dan Finch


Foxtrot: An Advanced (Phase V) Discussion by Sandi & Dan Finch
Body & Foot Mechanics and Characteristics: Smooth & Latin Rhythms by Peter & Beryl Barton




If you would like to read other articles on dance position, technique, styling, and specific dance rhythms, you may visit the article TOC.

If you are not a member of DRDC, do consider joining. The group sponsors triquarterly weekends with great dancing and teaching, and the newsletter is newsy and informative.

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Online since 2001 ©Harold and Meredith Sears, Boulder, CO, All rights reserved.